MARCH '10 Canadian Fibre Box

In November (or was it October?) you met Barb from Wild Geese Fibres. We had
Canadian Finn, Cotswold, and a blend called Blizzard that everyone was wild
over. Barb gets her fibres prepared at the Prairie Fibre Mill, in Biggar
Saskatchewan. This month, I've ordered in a big pile of fibre from them, and
some of it is being shared with you through this month's fibre box. What I
much appreciate is that the Prairie Fibre Mill is eco-friendly, running on
its own wind and sun power, and using environmentally safe and natural
products to scour the fibres they process.
I found out something funny about the Blizzard that everyone was so fond
off. When we sampled this back in the Fall, it was a merino, alpaca,
mohair blend. My assumption was that Blizzard was always the same. I was
a little confused when I was offered to order both an
alpaca/merino/mohair blend as well as Blizzard for this month. Then the
Blizzard came! It seems that Blizzard is an ever changing special blend
from the Mill, depending on what fibres they have on hand to blend
together. This month, we have Blizzard again, only this time it is grey
with purple running through it. The purple is merino, the grey is
alpaca/merino/mohair and possibly a touch of Cotswold. As well, you have
gorgeous Fawn coloured 1/3 each merino/alpaca/mohair.
I'll be listing at the OVFA shop more of the Blizzard, as well as a
tasty multi tonal caramel fawn Blizzard and a grey 1/3 each
merino/alpaca/mohair blend.
As well as the more traditional rovings this month, you have a little
package of fibre for adding pizzazz to your yarn. In your treat bag, there
is hand dyed icicle, a nylon that adds sparkle to your spinning while still
being soft; dyed silk noil, which adds little bits of fluff; teased
rambouillet locks; and some plain old dyed wool.

you have a drumcarder, I recommend choosing a colour that would
compliment the orange as a base (a nice brown or red) and carding in
these fun additions intto a batt. If you don't have a drum carder, you
can card bits into rolags by hand, or simply add bits of fibre as you
are spinning (I often do this with dyed locks for texture). Art yarn is
often, by nature, not a smooth yarn, but is full of character and
increasingly popular.
For a great book, I recommend Intertwined by Lexi Boeger.OVFA has one
copy left, and you might even find it at your local library!
You either have a hand made button or a stitch marker in your box,
depending on whether you are new or a more seasoned subscriber. Stitch
markers are by; Green Ceramic Flower Buttons are by; Blue Ceramic Buttons are by; and the purple Polymer Clay Buttons are by yours truly, Heather of OVFA!
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